Custom Map

How would you like your entire neighborhood up on your wall?

To get a customised street map simply fill in the form below and supply us with the exact address of anywhere in Australia (street number, street name, suburb, state, and postcode).

The Pickawall team will then notify you via email when your custom map wall artwork is ready and will provide you with a visual layout for your approval.

As a guide to pricing:

  • Hallway 1 x 3m will cost $277
  • Medium 3 x 2.7m wall will cost $577.90
  • Large 4 x 3m wall $808
  • Extra large 6 x 3m wall $1,162

Our shipping rates are also very competitive and your order will normally be shipped within 3 business days.

Allow 1 – 3 days for your map wall artwork to be produced and be sent for your approval.


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